What if Dad - Wall of Fame

Men we honor

Entered by: Mark Neese What if Dad: Many Men

For this section, I honor the What IF Dad men God placed in my life who were educators. 

Administrators, counselors, teachers and coaches throughout my life assisted in my development of understanding faith. From Sunday school to science class, academics and athletics, I was able to see men who lived out their faith. 

Never forcing their beliefs upon me, but available when I asked questions. Men who gave up time with their families to instill virtue into the lives of students. Men who shared with me, prayed with me, and encouraged me to honor God. I am forever grateful for the role played in encouraging me to seek God and serve others.

One of the most meaningful expressions of Godly faith shared with me by educators was seeing them take the time to pray with not only their own family, but others as well. 

William Beausay II reminds us in the book Boys (Shaping ordinary men into extraordinary men), how, “We must teach our boys to practice prayer as a way of life. And we must teach them that Jesus listens to our prayers. Good prayer is a focused conversation for sharing a relationship with the living God.”

Entered by: [Author]
What if Dad: [WID WOF Hero]

Entered by: [Author]
What if Dad: [WID WOF Hero]