What if Dad - Wall of Fame

Men we honor

Entered by: Mark Neese
What if Dad: Mark Baber

One of the What IF Dads who taught me this concept, “Eliminate the Unnecessary”, is Mark Baber. Mark was the director of the Baptist Student Union my freshman year at Ouachita Baptist University. 

He encouraged students to seek God’s plan. That type of life led him to serve as a missionary in South Africa. It led me there as a student. 

During this time I was able to compete with Mark in one of the most exciting events known as the Comrades Marathon. This was of the most grueling experiences of my life and I do not believe I would have made the timeline for a medal had it not been for Mark’s encouragement.

I took a few days to recover and stayed with Mark and his family. During this time I was able to talk with him about his decision to leave so much behind and go to another continent as part of pursuing purpose with his amazing wife and kids. 

He reminded me that if you filter out all the distractions offered by the world, you can see more of what God is calling you to do. 

I use his wisdom and ask the same question to my own son as he seeks to obtain his position in life. I encourage him to filter out the unnecessary. If my son seeks to serve God first, I know he will be OK.

Entered by: Scott Webber
What if Dad: Lyle Burnett

The one man that helped me in this concept was the late Lyle Burnett. I have never met a man that knew as many bible verses by memory than Coach Burnett. Coach Burnett was my assistant basketball coach in high school under coach Gayno Shelton. 

While in Junior High Coach Burnett was my Sunday school teacher. Later in life he served as my teacher in my adult Sunday school class.

While going through my divorce I made many visits to his house for guidance. He taught me to not worry about the small things in life. 

Coach Burnett stressed the concept of turning all my troubles over to God! His guidance and support over this rough time in my life will never be forgotten! 

Without the wisdom of Coach Burnett I have no idea where I would be today!

Entered by: [Author]
What if Dad: [WID WOF Hero]